On the 18th of May, Urdd Gobaith Cymru will launch its Peace and Goodwill Message, on the theme of the Climate Emergency. This powerful message calls upon the people of the world to hold big businesses accountable and to urge governments to take urgent action, saying “it’s time to wake up”. It’s a message that represents the voice of children and young people across Wales, to be heard by people around the world. Once again, as seen in this message, young people are playing at the forefront of the fight against climate change.
This year’s message was created by a group of Aberystwyth University students during a series of workshops, following a partnership between the Urdd and the university. To deepen the international importance of the message, a formal partnership was formed between Aberystwyth University students and a group of students from the University of Life Sciences in Norway. A virtual workshop was held with students from both universities to discuss the subject and share different ideas and cultures.
As part of the message, the Urdd creates an education pack each year on the topic of the message. This year, the Urdd worked with the Welsh Center for International Affairs (WCIA) and Climate Cymru to create the centenary education package. It provides support, information and activities for children and young people to educate them on this vital and contemporary topic.
To celebrate the Urdd’s centenary, the message is being translated into 100 languages, including indigenous and minority languages. All 100 languages can be found here on their website.
Remember to put the 18th of May in your calendars to share the video message posted on @Urdd at 7:30am (BST), to help the young people of Wales to spread this important message far and wide.
If you have any questions about the message or how to help share on the 18th of May, get in touch with the Urdd by emailing peace@urdd.org.
Ar y 18fed o Fai, bydd yr Urdd yn lawnsio Neges Heddwch ac Ewyllys Da ar y thema Argyfwng Hinsawdd. Mae’r neges bwerus hon yn alwad ar bobl y byd i ddal busnesau mawr yn atebol, ac i annog llywodraethau i gymryd camau brys i achub y blaned, gan ddweud “mae’n amser deffro”. Mae’n neges yn cynrychioli llais plant a phobl ifanc Cymru, i’w chlywed gan bobl ledled y byd. Unwaith eto, fel y gwelir yn y neges hon, mae pobl ifanc yn arwain y ffordd yn y frwydr yn erbyn newid hinsawdd.
Creuwyd y neges eleni gan grŵp o fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Aberystwyth yn ystod cyfres o weithdai, yn dilyn partneriaeth rhwng yr Urdd a’r brifysgol. Er mwyn dyfnhau pwysigrwydd rhyngwladol y neges, ffurfiwyd partneriaeth ffurfiol rhwng myfyrwyr Prifysgol Aberystwyth a grŵp o fyfyrwyr o’r University of Life Sciences in Norway. Cynhaliwyd gweithdy rhithiol gyda myfyrwyr o’r ddwy brifysgol i drafod y pwnc a rhannu syniadau a diwylliannau gwahanol.
Fel rhan o’r neges, mae’r Urdd yn creu pecyn addysg bob blwyddyn ar thema’r neges. Eleni, gweithiodd yr Urdd gyda WCIA a Climate Cymru i greu pecyn addysg y canmlwyddiant. Mae’n darparu cymorth, gwybodaeth a gweithgareddau i blant a phobl ifanc i’w haddysgu ar y pwnc hollbwysig a chyfoes hwn.
I ddathlu canmlwyddiant yr Urdd, mae’r neges yn cael ei chyfieithu i 100 o ieithoedd, gan gynnwys ieithoedd brodorol a lleiafrifol. Gellir dod o hyd i bob un o’r 100 o ieithoedd yma ar eu gwefan.
Cofiwch roi’r 18fed o Fai yn eich calendr i rannu’r neges fideo sy’n cael ei bostio ar @Urdd am 7:30yb (BST), i helpu pobl ifanc Cymru i ledaenu’r neges bwysig hon dros y byd!
Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau am y neges, neu sut i helpu rhannu ar y 18fed o Fai, cysylltwch â’r Urdd drwy e-bostio heddwch@urdd.org.
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